Game Review of Akinator.


Rules of games:

1) You have to answer honestly questions (if you don’t know the answer to a question - the answer I don’t know) 2) You have to choose ONE answer from five.

Winning condition:

You will win if answering questions correctly, Akinator hasn’t guessed your character.


Some time ago two friends — travelers – Arnaud and Jef — wandered on the verblyadakh about immense open spaces of far east desert. And here they have seen a lamp in which in any east fairy tale the Genie shall sit! When they have seen a lamp, from it has tumbled down a black dense smoke. The smoke left and left, but did not dissipate, and gathered in some black terrible figure which eventually, became … this Genie! Having stretched, the gloomy bearded man has suddenly smiled and has told: “— Before you great and powerful Gene, Hasan-Abdurakhman-Aki-ibn-Nator!”. Or, in your opinion — just Akinator! I know all languages of the world and I am a Genius! I can guess everything that you will think of!”. Akinator has told friends: “-Now I will be with you and you will not be able to get rid of me. I to you will make nothing bad, I will just answer questions and to guess characters”. Friends have asked it several questions. Which Akinator with ease has correctly answered. Then more and more. Eventually friends were tired of infinite questions and answers and have conceived to run away from the Genie. Also they have decided to create game Akinator. Users of a global network were delighted simply when the Genius guessed the Internet the characters conceived by them.


Written on June 26, 2016